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When a low-tech industry meets a high-tech solution, magic can happen.

The demand for traditionally low-tech and service industries, to embrace the new, ever-changing world of technology is at an all-time high. And yet, some low-tech industries have become complacent and stuck in their own ways, resistant to any kind of change, even if they know the kinds of positive rewards that will come from new, technological interfaces.

That’s not to say that no one is listening. Businesses and industries are recognizing that mobile apps are a necessary tool to add to an already strong arsenal. And because of this, low-tech industries are being forced to adapt to combine high-tech solutions like never before.

Take for instance, the emergence of fire mobile apps, which allow firemen to let their crew know the details of a fire (street maps, the location of hydrants, building plans, alarm reset procedures, etc.) in the midst of an emergency. Even commercial fishing is jumping on board (pun, fully intended). Because these industries realize that in a world of innovation, the quickest way to fall short of your own potential is to stay stagnant.

So, is the tree care industry ready to adapt too? We sure think so. And with treezi, a cloud-based tree software app, we’re trying to help you and your tree company get ahead, and stay ahead of the game.

We designed treezi as tree inventory tool for tree companies and arborists to be able to manage all their residential and commercial clients.

Here are just some of the things you can do with the treezi tree software app:

1. Treezi allows you to manage thousands of trees on both the browser and mobile user interface. You can create comprehensive tree estimates with highly specific pruning and health recommendations, photos, location and more.

2. Edit info on individual trees, add detailed notes, and view your upcoming work.

3. Create tree estimates easily, and sync with Quickbooks for streamlined invoicing.


We get it, change is hard. There are too many tree software options out there to choose from. Even so, we couldn’t find the right solutions for our tree company. This is why we created treezi and made the tree service software experience better and faster, and are offering it cheaper than anything out there. Because we’re all in this together 🙂

What are you waiting for? Sign up for free and make treezi a part of your future in tree care!

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