When we started development on Treezi (which began as ArborPlus) years ago, part of our vision was to use the data for research and education.
Last year, a professor at CalPoly, Matt Ritter, reached out to us and asked if we could share some tree inventory data for a tool they were developing.
Of course we would. We love being a part of super smart stuff.
The tool (linked here) is a database that represents nearly 6 million trees across California, to be used by communities when planning for their own urban forests.
The data compiled in this inventory consists of shared street tree inventory data from California’s largest tree companies. These data do not represent the entire urban forest, only those trees that have been inventoried and shared. The specific locality points have been obscured for privacy.
The coolest part?
We contributed over 1.5 million data points of our California tree inventory, making up over 20% of the total tree data! We were also, by far, the largest non-municipal and non-street tree inventory contributor.
To be able to contribute to a greater good and larger goal is just another milestone in the big dreams we have to improve the world, one tree at a time.
And don’t worry folks, the data we shared will never be personal or client information. (Read more about your data here.)